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Rabu, 24 Agustus 2016

Perubahan Perilaku Masyarakat Papua

Frans ubernur Kasiepo (1964-1973) began to disseminate to the public on clothing healthy, respectful, and dignified. Then proceed with the campaign antikoteka by Governor Soetran. During the administration of Governor Barnabas Suebu (1988-1993) and Yacob Pattipi (1993-1998) began a campaign antikoteka in the Central Highlands. Tens of tons of clothing were dropped in several districts and villages in the Central Highlands which is the base penis sheath. Gradually, the socialization of the sheath eradication movement began in earnest. Which result in :

Environmental changes in the aspect of myth ...

Koteka is the identity of the people of Papua. According to the Head of Culture Papua   Dominggus Rumbewas , sheath-making skills acquired hereditary for men. A man when the age of 5-13 years should have been wearing penis gourds as menswear. Sheath serves to cover the sensitive parts of a man. A man when the age of 5-13 years should have been wearing penis gourds as menswear. Koteka believed to be hereditary unclear origin was first used is a part of the formal attire that shows identity as well as the original Identity Papua tribes.
Based on the change in the pattern of life that began the IKM pengarajin acecoris sheath sprung up, which makes the sheath as a display which indicates that people who have a sheath in his home is a people of Papua genuine and love of culture of Papua , of course, by design - design (motiv) containing the noble values and typical Merauke, Papua. Good for the consumption of the public display of Merauke as well as by the - by the typical Papua selling power to be accompanied by a cultural aesthetic value is quite high. 

*      Changes in Cultural aspects
In accordance with the development of globalization, culture is not static, but dynamic (will evolve and change). Cultural changes to adjust to the system of human life by developing era. Thus, culture can not be out of outside influence, so that cultural values ​​are shifting, too.
Changes in patterns of use (clothing or clothes everyday indigenous people of Papua) as a result of environmental factors rather  Jakarta is present in Papua with a special mission as a carrier of change, modernization, progress, eradicate poverty and underdevelopment. The mission was so passionate in spirit and conduct of officials. So that the people of Papua switch from traditional formal wear Papua (sheath) into the clothes that fit a standard user even started to move to the branded apparel and teruptodate (trend following). But antikoteka campaign in a way that is not much help the penis sheath. One or two pieces of clothing were distributed to the public did not last long. Clothing was worn continuously day and night, and not washed until it is destroyed in the body.
When the clothes were ruined, no new clothes as a substitute. Geographical conditions were very difficult to reach, making them look like they were isolated in the middle of the forest. Besides that factor is a factor of change is the Advancement of infrastructure, the influx of technology and information to the hinterland by itself change the mindset and behavior of the people living inland
It is the relationship between the breakdown of SMEs in districts. Merauke is the advent of stand SME textile, garment which makes clothes (apparel) in accordance with the needs and tastes of people of Papua. The transition their use of standards / feasible (can cover all parts of the body) on the use of formal wear penis gourds which is the identity of the people of Papua as a stimulus on the market opportunities batik shirt typical of Merauke, Papua for SMEs Batik craftsmen typical of Papua are now marketed in boutiques in certain districts. Merauke, because of the limited IKM craftsmen. Industry Leather and leather goods,
*      Changes in the aspect Value
In this era of globalization, is opening "doors" of local culture against the full impact of technology, transport and communications. So Preservation of local culture and values ​​luhurnya threatened and the uniqueness of each culture sidelined by universal values ​​dijungjung by globalisaasi. Factor driver of environmental mrnhubah sublime aspect Values ​​in a cultural distinctiveness is the middle of the ongoing revolution 4T (teknoligi, telecommunications, transport, tourism = tourism). Globalization revolution is so strong that the boundaries between regions and between countries is getting narrower which will go to a globalization.
      Modern understanding of the culture of Papua viewed as a process that requires excavation and analysis more rational pattern of eroding traditional understanding who see the culture of Papua as a product, which is a result that is considered correct and must be held noble values ​​strictly. So it is no wonder that the Papuan people like to follow customs foreign cultures such as; pull hair, the women of Papua jelana wearing jeans, short and long, liftik, and various other body ornaments.
It should also be recognized that the influx of foreign culture along with the materialistic culture and other facilities readily accepted by the public, which gradually reduces the sensitivity to the culture of Papua. Finally, our society just become users (consumers) than the processor (produktor). If the condition of Papuan culture, driven by national economic interests (such as PT. Freport) globalized, then obviously Culture Papua became victims of satisfying international consumption.
This provides opportunities for the SMEs in the country, outside the area that raised products typical of the region to enter the Regional Merauke as a target market in meeting social needs merauke with products made in the country (oriented areas) such as the opening IKM Meubeul (chairs, cabinets, tables, etc. oriented motif typical of the region combined by a Motif Modern.
IKM Snacks made from sago which were the work of indigenous Papuan women.

*      IKM changes in aspects of Norma
As a result of globalization youngster is no longer interested in native culture. They prefer to rah-rah to the quality of life that is very alarming and so 'keasing-exile. Whether it acquired in school or in the milieu of his life? To be sure that they are much more interested in such nuances. Why is that, because of the culture of the Papuans "very open" and is easily contaminated with other cultures.
            It is also a positive impact for the SMEs metal, machinery and transportation equipment
da electronics.
*      Changes in the aspect of Time
Broadly speaking, all four aspects of the factors above changes inseparable from the role of time from day to day is always changing. Change everything in the region both in terms of culture, values, norms, myths. But in this case the most memnonjol of perbahan based on the aspect of time is the change in the orientation of education both formal and non-formal increasingly rampant developed both by government and the private sector. Likewise also in terms of pattern design house of masyarakta Merauke. Its brevity meningkatnkan various infrastructure development in the district. Merauke.
            It memepengaruhi SME-SMI existing Kab area. Merauke to exploit natural resources there. Industries such as wood, bamboo, rattan, grass and the like, pengarajin wood, furniture and canned Industry, Industrial wood forest products (IKM Kpomponen building materials), and Clay processing industry (HPI Making bricks and concrete blocks)

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