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Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016

Dampak Peningkatan Jumlah Penduduk terhadap Lingkungan

Jumlah penduduk Indonesia mengalami peningkatan waktu ke waktu. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk tersebut ternyata membawa dampak negatif bagi lingkungan. Dampak yang terjadi pada lingkungan akibat peningkatan jumlah penduduk antara lain: pencemaran lingkungan oleh limbah atau sampah rumah tangga, berkurangnya ketersediaan air bersih, berkurangnya ketersediaan udara bersih, dan berkurangnya ketersediaan ruang dan lahan pertanian. Semakin banyak jumlah penduduk, maka resiko terjadinya pencemaran semakin tinggi, jumlah air yang dibutuhkan semakin banyak, ketersediaan udara bersih semakin berkurang, dan ketersediaan ruang dan lahan pertanian semakin sedikit. Berikut ini penjelasan mengenai dampak peningkatan jumlah penduduk terhadap lingkungan.

1. Penurunan Kualitas Lingkungan Akibat Limbah/Sampah
Kualitas lingkungan dapat menurun akibat banyaknya sampah atau bahan pencemar lain. Sampah yang dihasilkan dalam skala rumah tangga seringkali tampak sedikit dan tidak dianggap mencemari lingkungan. Padahal, jika dilihat di sekitar kita justru sampah rumah tangga yang banyak mencemari lingkungan.

Berdasarkan sifatnya sampah dapat digolongkan menjadi sampah organik dan sampah anonganik Sampah organik yaitu sampah yang mudah membusuk seperti sisa makanan, sayuran, daun-daun kering, dan sebagainya. Sampah ini dapat diolah lebih lanjut menjadi kompos. Sampah anorganik yaitu sampah yang tidak mudah membusuk, seperti plastik wadah pembungkus makanan, kertas, plastik mainan, botol dan gelas minuman, kaleng, kayu, dan sebagainya. Beberapa akibat yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh sampah antara lain pencemaran udara, air dan pencemaran tanah.
  • Pencemaran udara. Sampah yang menumpuk dan tidak segera terangkut merupakan sumber bau tidak sedap yang memberikan efek buruk bagi daerah sensitif sekitarnya seperti permukiman, perbelanjaan, rekreasi, dan lain-lain. Pembakaran sampah seringkali terjadi pada sumber dan lokasi pengumpulan terutama bila terjadi penundaan proses pengangkutan sehingga menyebabkan kapasitas tempat terlampaui. Asap yang timbul sangat potensial menimbulkan gangguan bagi lingkungan sekitarnya.
  • Pencemaran air. Prasarana dan sarana pengumpulan yang terbuka sangat potensial menghasilkan lindi terutama pada saat turun hujan. Aliran lindi ke saluran atau tanah sekitarnya akan menyebabkan terjadinya pencemaran. Instalasi pengolahan berskala besar menampung sampah dalam jumlah yang cukup besar pula sehingga potensi lindi yang dihasilkan di instalasi juga cukup potensial untuk menimbulkan pencemaran air dan tanah di sekitarnya.
  • Pencemaran tanah. Pembuangan sampah yang tidak dilakukan dengan baik misalnya di lahan kosong atau TPA yang dioperasikan secara sembarangan akan menyebabkan lahan setempat mengalami pencemaran akibat tertumpuknya sampah organik dan mungkin juga mengandung Bahan Buangan Berbahaya (B3). Bila hal ini terjadi maka akan diperlukan waktu yang sangat lama sampai sampah terdegradasi atau larut dari lokasi tersebut. Selama waktu itu lahan setempat berpotensi menimbulkan pengaruh buruk terhadap manusia dan lingkungan sekitarnya.

2. Berkurangnya Ketersediaan Air Bersih
Jumlah air tawar yang ada di bumi hanya sekitar 2% dari seluruh jumlah air yang ada di bumi. Seluruh makhluk hidup yang ada di muka bumi membutuhkan air selama kehidupannya. Salah satu peranan air adalah untuk diminum. Ssemakin banyak jumlah anggota keluarga, maka kebutuhan air bersih juga semakin banyak. Begitupula apabila semakin banyak jumlah penduduk, maka semakin banyak pula jumlah air bersih yang dibutuhkan.

Apabila masyarakat kekurangan persediaan air bersih maka mereka terpaksa menggunakan air sungai untuk menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari tersebut. Kondisi ini tentunya akan memberikan dampak yang tidak baik bagi kesehatan, karena air sungai yang digunakan belum tentu bersih atau mungkin juga air tersebut adalah air yang tercemar. Berikut ini adalah ciri-ciri air tercemar.
  • Adanya Perubahan Suhu. Pada kondisi normal suhu air di bawah suhu lingkungan. Pada daerah industri air digunakan sebagai pendingin mesin-mesin pabrik. Setelah digunakan sebagai pendingin mesin, air akan berubah menjadi hangat bahkan panas karena telah menyerap panas dari mesin pabrik. Selain itu, kandungan oksigen dalam air menjadi ber kurang. Apabila air dengan kondisi seperti ini dibuang begitu saja ke sungai maka air tersebut dapat menyebabkan hewan dan tumbuhan air terganggu bahkan dapat mengalami kematian.
  • Adanya Perubahan pH. pH adalah derajat keasaman yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tingkat ke asaman atau kebasaan yang pada suatu larutan.  Pada kondisi normal pH air adalah netral, yaitu berkisar 7. Pada kondisi tercemar, pH air berkisar antara 4 – 6 atau 8–9. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terdahulu diketahui bahwa organisme air lebih menyukai pH yang mendekati netral. Dengan demikian, sangatlah mungkin apabila organisme air akan terganggu bahkan ada yang mati apabila pH air mengalami per ubahan.
  • Adanya Perubahan Warna, Bau, dan Rasa Air. Air yang bersih atau tidak tercemar adalah air yang bening (tidak berwarna), tidak berbau dan tidak berasa. Perubahan pada air, yaitu warna, bau, dan rasa dapat disebabkan oleh polutan (bahan pencemar) yang terlarut pada air tersebut.
  • Adanya Endapan atau Bahan Terlarut. Endapan atau bahan terlarut yang ada di sungai dapat berasal dari polutan yang masuk ke sungai. Polutan tersebut dapat berupa insektisida, tumpahan minyak, sampah, limbah industri, dan lain-lain. Adanya polutan yang masuk ke sungai akan menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan pH, warna, bau, dan rasa air.
  • Adanya Mikroorganisme. Salah satu peranan mikroorganisme adalah menguraikan bahanbahan pencemar organik. Semakin banyak limbah di suatu perairan, semakin banyak pula mikroorganisme yang ada di perairan tersebut. Di antara organisme-organisme tersebut ada yang mungkin bersifat patogen (membawa penyakit).

3. Berkurangnya Ketersediaan Udara Bersih
Perpindahan penduduk ke suatu wilayah (migrasi) akan menyebabkan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk di wilayah tujuan migrasi. Hal ini tentu akan menyebabkan jumlah penduduk di daerah perkotaan meningkat. Semakin banyaknya jumlah penduduk tentunya juga menyebabkan peningkatan kebutuhan udara bersih.

Padahal ketersediaan lahan hijau sebagai sumber penyedia udara bersih di daerah perkotaan juga berkurang akibat lahan hijau yang ada banyak dialihfungsikan sebagai pemukiman. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa peningkatan jumlah penduduk dapat menyebabkan berkurangnya ketersediaan udara bersih. Berkurangnya ketersediaan udara bersih juga dapat disebabkan oleh polusi udara akibat asap kendaraan bermotor.

4. Berkurangnya Ketersediaan Ruang dan Lahan Pertanian
Dampak lain dari meningkatnya jumlah penduduk adalah berkurangnya ketersediaan ruang dan lahan pertanian. Selama proses kehidupannya, manusia selalu membutuhkan ruang sebagai tempat tinggalnya. Selain membutuhkan ruang untuk tempat tinggal, manusia juga membutuhkan berbagai jenis makanan untuk mencukupi kebutuhan nutrisinya.

Apabila jumlah penduduk meningkat, maka akan semakin bertambah pula jumlah lahan yang digunakan un tuk tempat tinggal manusia. Agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tempat tinggal, maka tidak sedikit manusia yang menggunakan lahan pertanian untuk diubah menjadi lahan pemukiman. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan ketersediaan lahan pertanian menjadi berkurang.

Republik Indonesia Serikat

Republic of Indonesia States is a federation that was established on December 27, 1949 as a result of an agreement the three parties in the Round Table Conference, namely the Republic of Indonesia, BFO, and the Netherlands. This agreement was witnessed also by the United Nations Commission for Indonesia (UNCI) as representatives of the United Nations.

Round Table Conference held in The Hague, Netherlands, from August 23 to November 2, 1949. Prior to this conference, lasted three high-level meetings between the Netherlands and Indonesia, namely Linggajati (1947), the Renville Agreement (1948), and Roem-Royen (1949). The conference ended with the Dutch willingness to cede sovereignty to the Republic of Indonesia States. The contents of the conference agreement are as follows:
  1. The Netherlands recognizes the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia at the end of December 1949.
  2. Regarding the West Irian its completion was delayed one year after the recognition of sovereignty.
  3. Between RIS and the Kingdom of the Netherlands will be held Netherlands-Indonesian Union relations to be chaired by the Queen of the Netherlands.

A. Background The formation of RIS
On July 15, 1946, Dr. HJ van Mook initiated the organization of conferences in Malino, South Sulawesi. The conference was attended by some regional representatives who have mastered the Netherlands. Malino conference to discuss the formation of states of a federal state.

Starting from the conference, Van Mook on behalf of the Netherlands began to establish puppet states that its purpose is to surround and weaken the existence of the Republic of Indonesia. With the formation of the puppet state, RI and states will be easily played off by the Netherlands.

Since the return of the leaders of Indonesia to Yogyakarta July 6, 1949, negotiations with the BFO has been initiated in the Pacific begins again. The discussion in the negotiation of which is the formation of the transitional government before the formation of the United States of Indonesia. Then, on 19-22 July 1949, negotiations were held between the two sides, called a conference between Indonesia.

The conference showed that the politics of divide et impera Netherlands to separate the areas outside of the Republic of the Republic of Indonesia, have failed. In Indonesia interfaith conference held in Yogyakarta was produced agreement on the form of the State and matters relating to constitutional United States of Indonesia.
  1. United States of Indonesia is approved under the name of RIS based on democracy and federalism.
  2. RIS will be headed by a constitutional president is assisted by ministers responsible to the House of Representatives.
  3. Will set up two representative bodies, a legislature and a state representative council (senate). The first time parliament will be formed while.
  4. While the federal government will receive sovereignty not only of the Dutch State, but at the same time also of the Republic of Indonesia.
B. Territory of the RIS
The Republic of Indonesia States has 16 states. This area covers the entire area of ​​Indonesia which consists of:
  1. The Republic of Indonesia, East Indonesia, the State Pasundan, the State of East Java, Madura State, the State of East Sumatra and South Sumatra countries.
  2. Politic unity nationals namely Central Java, Bangka, Belitung, Riau, West Kalimantan, Dayak Besar, Banjar, East Kalimantan and East Kalimantan.
  3. Other areas that are not part of the area.

Republic of Indonesia States dissolved on August 17, 1950. United Republic of Indonesia has a constitution that is the Constitution of RIS. RIS Constitutional Charter was signed by the Heads of State / Region from 16 Country / Region Section RIS, namely
No.State nameCapital cityLeaders Name Country / Region
1.Republic of IndonesiaJakartaMr. Susanto Tirtoprodjo
2.Special Region of West KalimantanPontianakSultan Hamid II
3.East IndonesiaMacassarIde Anak Agung Gde Agung
4.state Madura-RAA tjakraningrat
5.BanjarBanjarmasinMohammad Hanafi
6.Bangka-Mohammad Jusuf Rasidi
The Republic of Indonesia States
7.Belitung-KA Mohammad Jusuf
8.Dayak Besar areaBanjarmasinMuhran bin Haji Ali
9.Central JavaSemarangDr. RV Sudjito
10.State East JavaSurabayaRaden Soedarmo
11.East KalimantanNew cityM. Jamani
12.East Kalimantan;SamarindaAP Sosronegoro
13.state PasundanduoMr. Djumhana Wiriatmadja
14.Riau area-Radja Mohammad
15.State South SumatraPalembangAbdul Malik
16.State of East SumatraFieldRadja Kaliamsyah Sinaga

C. The Cabinet of the Republic of Indonesia States
The Cabinet of the Republic of Indonesia States or RIS cabinet is a cabinet that was formed as a result of the formation of the Republic of Indonesia States after the recognition of the sovereignty of Dutch colonial rule. This cabinet is on duty from the date of December 20, 1949 to 6 September 1950 in Jakarta.

On December 16, 1949 the trial was held in the Presidential election RIS Kepatihan Building, Yogyakarta by representatives of sixteen states. The trial was led by Muh. Roem and children Agung Gede Agung. on December 14, 1949 representatives of governments that are part of RIS.

On December 14, 1949 Presidential election held RIS with a single candidate Ir. Sukarno. Finally, Ir. Sukarno was elected president, then elected and sworn in on December 17, 1949. On December 17, 1949 presidential inauguration ceremony held in Ward Sitinggil RIS, Keraton Yogyakarta. Drs Moh. Hatta became prime minister who will lead the cabinet RIS.

After Capital RIS official in Jakarta and President Sukarno returned to Jakarta on December 28, 1949, at the beginning of January 1950 began the first cabinet meeting RIS. His place in the former building Volks Raad (now building Pancasila). The composition of the Cabinet of RIS.
No.officename Ministers
1Prime MinisterMohammad Hatta
2Minister of Foreign Affairs
3Minister of Home AffairsIde Anak Agung Gde Agung
4Ministry of DefenceHamengkubuwono IX
5the minister of JusticeSupomo
6Minister of InformationArnold Mononutu
7Minister of FinanceSjafruddin Prawiranegara
8Minister of WelfareJuanda
9Ministry of Communications, Energy and Public WorksH. Laoh
10Labour MinisterWilopo
11Minister of Social AffairsMohammad Kosasih Purwanegara
12Minister of Education and CultureAbu Hanifah
13Minister of HealthJ. Leimena
14Minister of Religious AffairsWahid Hasyim
15Minister of StateHamid II
Mohammad Roem

Based on the Constitution RIS RIS Parliament consists of the House of Representatives and the State Legislative Assembly, called the Senate. Government power is held by the prime minister. The President only has the authority to ratify the decision of the cabinet led by the prime minister. D. Government End RIS State made ​​in the Netherlands RIS can not last long because the emerging demands for a return to form in the Homeland as the embodiment of the ideals of the Proclamation of August 17, 1945. Many states one by one merged with the state of the Republic of Indonesia.

  1. On February 10, 1950 the State Parliament of South Sumatra decided to abdicate in RI. 
  2. At the end of March 1950, only four remaining state in the RIS, namely West Kalimantan, West Sumatra, East Indonesia, and the Republic of Indonesia. At the end of April 1950, only the Republic of Indonesia is left in the RIS.
  3. After a conference between the Government of RIS and RI to discuss the unification of the country, on May 19, 1950, the government signed the Charter of RIS and RI in establishing the unitary State. Highlights of the contents of the charter are two sides in the shortest possible time to implement the formation of the unitary state based on the proclamation of August 17, 1945.

On August 15, 1950 held the last joint meeting of the House and Senate RIS where the meeting will be discussed "charter statement" Homeland formation by President Soekarno. After reading the statement of formation of the Homeland charter, it is thereby formally NKRI formed again on August 17, 1950.

Hewan Langka Di Indonesia

Endangered animals are animals that are very few / rare, if the population declined rapidly worldwide and the number is less than 10,000 Tails alone. Viewed keterancaman status issued by the IUCN Redlist, there are many animals native to Indonesia who are in the highest keterancaman status Critically Endangered status (Critical), IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) 

Conservation category on the IUCN Redlist of them are Extinct (EX; Extinct) example is the Javan tiger and Bali tiger; Extinct in the Wild (EW; Extinct in the Wild); Critically Endangered (CR; Critical) such as Sumatran tigers, Javan rhino, Sumatran rhino, Bali Starling, the Sumatran Orangutan, Java Eagle, Javan Lapwing, Bawean deer.
Rare animals in Indonesia
Endangered (EN; Genting or threatened) eg Bull, Anoa, Mentor Rimba, Maleo, tapirs, anteaters, proboscis monkey, and tarsiers., Vulnerable (VU; Vulnerable) example cassowary, peacock green, and brother Tua Maluku, Near Threatened (NT; Near Threatened) example alap-alap Doria, pigeon Sumba, Least Concern (LC; Risk Low) for example Chicken Red Forest, Chicken Forest Green, and Porcupine, Data Deficient (DD; Information Less) example Punggok Papua, Todirhamphus nigrocyaneus, and Not evaluated (NE; yet evaluated). Here are some animals endangered. of AnimalsStatus
1.Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus)Animals endemic to Java in Ujung Kulon National Park (Banten) with a population of only 35 to 45 heads only.
2.Tree kangaroos Wondiwoi (Dendrolagus mayri) Dendrolagus inustus berhabitat north and west of the island of Papua, Yapen Island, Salawati Island, and the island Waigeo. One type of tree kangaroos from Papua's population is estimated to reach 50 per course.
3.Dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris)Is a unique freshwater mammals. In Indonesia living in the Mahakam River with a population of about 70 birds. Dolphin highest rank Indonesia endangered species. In taxonomy, is a subspecies of the Mahakam Irrawaddy dolphins (Irrawaddy dolphin).
4.Javan leopard (Panthera pardus)Mmacan clouded only found in tropical forests, mountains and conservation areas in Java Island, Indonesia. The leopard has two variations of color that is bright (orange) and black (the panther). Javan leopards are animals identities West Java Province. Also called Tiger Beetle with the number of the population are estimated under 250 individuals (IUCN 2008).
5.The Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis)The Sumatran rhino is an endangered species of the family Rhinocerotidae and includes one of the five species of rhinoceros that still exist. Sumatran rhinos are the only species that has survived from the genus Dicerorhinus. Is a two-horned rhino population is estimated at no more than 275 individuals.
6.Sulawesi forest turtle (Leucocephalon yuwonoi)Turtle endemic to Sulawesi, which once listed as the The World's 25 Most Endangered Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles of 2011 with a population of less than 250 tigers.
7.Eagle Flores (Nisaetus florists)Eagle endemic Flores with a population of between 150-300 individuals. Flores falcon which is an endemic bird of prey flores (Nusa Tenggara) is now the most endangered raptor.
8.Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii)Deer endemic to the island of Bawean, East Java. The population is between 250-300. Bawean deer found only in Bawean island in the middle of the Java Sea in Gresik, East Java, Indonesia. These species are rare and classified as "endangered" by the IUCN. 
9.Sumatran ground cuckoo (Carpococcyx viridis)Sumatran endemic bird with a population of around 70-400 individuals. Sumatran ground cuckoo included in the 18 rarest birds in Indonesia. Sumatran ground cuckoo bird species are listed as Critically the conservation status with the highest keterancaman.
10.Red Frogs (Leptophryne cruentata)Endemic frog that lives only in TN-Mist Mountain Salak and TN Gede Pangrango. The population is not known. The eruption of Mount Galungggung contributed to the causes of decline in the number of red frog
11.Bali starling (Leucopsar rothschildi)Jalak Bali is found only in the western part of the island of Bali forest. Birds are also the only species endemic to Bali and in 1991 was named the fauna emblem of Bali Province. The population between 1000-2499 individuals (BirdLife, 2001)
12.Plop Siau (Otus siaoensis)Plop Siau is an endemic bird found only in a small island called "Siau" in Sangihe, North Sulawesi Province. Birds that fall into the category of highest keterancaman, Critical (Critically Endangered) is no longer seen back since it was first discovered in 1866. The population is less than 50 birds (BirdLife, 2000).
13.Birds Glasses Sangihe (Zosterops nehrkorni)Birds Glasses Sangihe is one of about 22 species of birds glasses (pleci) located in Indonesia. Unfortunately, Bird Glasses Sangihe Sangihe island's endemic bird species classified as endangered in Indonesia. The population is less than 50 birds (BirdLife, 2000).
14.Banggai Crow (Corvus unicolor)This crow is listed as Critically Endangered by IUCN and was once thought to be extinct, but eventually rediscovered in the survey on Peleng Island in 2007/2008. The population between 50-250 birds (Birdlife, 2011)
15.Siau tarsier (Tarsius tumpara)Siau is the original tarsier tarsiers Siau island, Sulawesi is also endangered. Not just granted the status of Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List. Tumpara tarsier is one of the 25 Most Endangered Primates of the World. Population 1,300 (2009).
16.Mentawai macaque (Macaca pagensis)Mentawai macaque monkey is one-on-one endemic to the Mentawai Islands, Sumatra. So that the population is threatened by the IUCN Redlist categorized as Critically Endangered species status, the last level before extinction. Population tail 2100-3700 (2004).
17.Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. Sumatranus)Approximately 2000 to 2700 Sumatran elephants remaining in the wild based on a survey in 2000.
18.The Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii)The Sumatran orangutan is the rarest species of orangutans. Sumatran orangutans live and endemic to Sumatra. The population of 6,500 birds (2007).
19.Simakobu (Simias concolor)Simakobu is one of the native fauna Indonesia .. Simakobu found in Indonesia precisely in the island of Sipora, North Pagai and South Pagai, as well as on the island of Siberut. Simakobu now bestatus endangered animals. Population 6700-17300 tail (IUCN, 2006)
20.Small Yellow-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea)Regional distribution of yellow-crested cockatoo is the Lesser Sunda Islands, Sulawesi, Bali, and Timor. A population of about 7,000. It is listed in CITES Appendix I.
21.Javan Lapwing bird (Vanellus macropterus)One of the rare bird that is only found (endemic) in Java. This bird was last recorded its existence in 1940 in the delta Ci Tarum.
22.Toads Sumatra (Duttaphrynus sumatranus)Frog Sumatra or Duttaphrynus sumatranus are amphibians (amphibians) the most rare in Indonesia. Frog Sumatra, holds the status of Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List.
23.Ungaran tree frog (Philautus jacobsoni)Ungaran tree frog is a species endemic to the highland forests of Mount Ungaran, Semarang, Central Java. Satus conservation based IUCN is CR (critically endangered) or "endangered". 
24.Western Long-beaked muzzle (Zaglossus bruijnii)Western long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus bruijni) is one of the four echidna is still alive and one of three species found in Papua Zaglossus.
25.Talaud Bear Cuscus (Ailurops melanotis)Talaud Bear Cuscus (Ailurops melanotis) is endemic to the island Salibabu part of Talaud Islands

Jenis Jenis Hujan di Indonesia

As a country that lies on the equator Indonesia has two seasons, the rainy season and dry season. The rainy season usually begins in October until March. The rainy season is very profitable, some farmers who had long water shortage and some areas of drought. However, some areas with bad environment will be floods. When the rainy season almost daily hujang

Rain is a precipitation event that is the fall of the atmosphere fluid which is a liquid or frozen to the earth's surface. Rain requires the presence of a thick layer of the atmosphere in order to meet suhi above the melting point of ice near and he was on the Earth's surface.

On Earth, the rain is a condensation process (change states of matter to form denser) atmospheric water vapor into droplets of water heavy enough to fall and usually arrive on the mainland. Two possible mechanisms can simultaneously push the air gets saturated before the rain, the cooling air or adding water vapor to the air. Raindrops have sizes ranging from a similar bending (large grains), until small granules.

A. Process of Rain
Rain that we often see in the rainy season can be defined as events fall of water from the sky to the earth. In a simple event of rain associated with water cycle can be explained as follows.
  1. At first the rain water comes from evaporation or called evaporation from water on Earth, such as sea water, river water, lake water. Even from such living beings of the human body, animals, plants containing water, will be vaporized to form rain. Evaporation happens that due to relief from the hot sun.
  2. Once the water evaporates into the air, high into the sky, the vapor undergoing a process of compaction or condensation to form a cloud. With the help of clouds that can move vertically as well as horizontally.
  3. Due to wind or air moving, the clouds converge and enlarged towards the sky or the earth's atmosphere where the temperature is low or cold, eventually forming ice grains and water. 
  4. Due to the weight and not being able sustained in air, water droplets or ice falling to the earth is called precipitation process. The higher the air temperature, the ice or snow that formed melts into water, but Juka temperature is very low then it will fall remains as snow.

B. Type Rain
Meteorologists have only recently just know the process of formation of rain clouds in detail, along with form and function, by using advanced equipment like planes, satellites, computers, etc. On the territory of the Republic of Indonesia can be encountered three types of rain that falls, among other things:
Types of Rain in Indonesia
  1. Frontal rain.  Rain frontal rain is caused by the convergence of summer winds that bring moist air moist with a low-temperature cold air, causing condensation in the air, which in turn lowers the rain. The meeting place between two masses is called a front field. Around the front field is often heavy rainfall called frontal rain.
  2. Orographic rain.  Rain orographic rain is caused by the presence of water vapor that is carried or blown up to ride up the mountain and forms clouds. When the cloud has reached saturation point then it would rain. There was rain is usually in the surrounding mountains.
  3. Zenital rain.  Rain is rain that causes the zenith is the hot temperatures at the equator to trigger evaporation of water into the sky meets the cold air into the rain. Rain zenith occurred in the vicinity of the equator line only. Rain is due to meeting with Northeast Wind Pasat Pasat wind Southeast. Then the wind rose and clouds forming clots.

C. Benefits of Rain
Even if a large amount of rain can be catastrophic for humans, but the rain is also very beneficial for life on earth. Here are some of the benefits of rain for life on earth.
  1. The rainwater that fell on the earth's surface give good impact to the lives of farmers. When the rainy season comes a lot of farmers who do their work dis UNDER for planting rice and wait for the harvest work because it has many advantages for farmers'
  2. Rain water fell from the sky is very useful for the human life to meet basic needs in their daily lives. Humans take advantage of the ground water to be managed back in meeting their needs.
  3. Rainwater also contributed to the human economy because rain water is also an important role for human tasks such as the processing of forestry, fishery, and agriculture. Agriculture and fisheries need water. Rainwater very important role in the field of fisheries because whenever it rains the water in the sea, rivers and lakes. river river also has several benefits for human life.
  4. The rainwater that fell to the earth's surface plays an important role in preserving the environment, such as for plant photosynthesis, the planting of trees in the forest and to plant itself. 
  5. Rainwater is very important for the survival of the forest because in many forest animals, plants, trees depend on water.
  6. The rain water is very important to keep ground water sources karen rainwater down the earth's surface will absorb into the surface layer of soil as the water reserves stored in a certain depth. 

When it rains, vary the way we react to it. There is a happy, happy, and full of joy because of the long rain did not fall. But many are annoyed, angry, annoyed and disappointed, because they feel harmed by the rain. For those who are happy with the rain, of whom are farmers. Therefore, the rain will fertilize barren land or barren. Rain makes the plants become fertile, so the income will increase.

But the rain fell continuously, sometimes also be a disaster for farmers. Continuous rain that can cause damaged plants. Especially if it comes to flooding, farmers often complain because the plants become parched or crop failure.

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Antropologi dan Kekerasan Kolonial di Tanah Papua

Doc T anah Papua (meliputi Provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat) telah digambarkan sebagai “sebuah surga di bumi bagi penelitian antro...