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Rabu, 24 Agustus 2016

Perubahan Perilaku Manusia Karena Penerapan Teknologi

Since ancient times the existing technology or human already using the technology. The technology used was originally a simple technology. Someone is using technology because humans have the intellect and mind. With his mind he wanted to get out of trouble, want to live better, more secure, and so on. Technological developments occur because someone used his wits and his mind to resolve any problems that it faces. Of course this leads to technological advances such great changes in the lives of people with all civilizations and cultures.

Human antiquity exchanging information through language. Then the language is technology. Language allows one to understand the information conveyed by others. To a certain distance, though still audible, the information conveyed through language will sound degraded even disappear altogether. Any developments will be positive and negative impacts on humans, not least the rapidly evolving technology. Almost all areas greatly helped, but not least also the loss of the use of technology.

Advances in technology have also impacted on the changes in human behavior. The behavioral changes in communications and technology, social, cultural, agricultural, and industrial. Here are some of the changes in human behavior as a result of the application of technology.

1. Department of Information and Technology
In ancient times, people use the gong, rope tree, spying, letters and couriers to communicate. Before the advent of the telephone, people communicate through letters. It took a very long time that the letter was received by the recipients. Along with advances in technology, now people can take advantage of a variety of communications technologies services such as sms, phone, email and even social media that allow us to communicate with people all over the world without a limited distance and time. In the field of communication individualism and selfish behavior occurs because people prefer to be in front of a computer than social activities in the surrounding neighborhood.

In the field of technology, the days of old when there is no computer, writing jobs are still using typewriters. By using a typewriter would be a long job writing, besides the results of typing can not be stored so that when we need the text we have to retype them. 

In contrast to the current all-digital. For example, by the computer, in addition to type can also be used for other purposes. Computers can store our paper in the form of a file. When we need the back posts we tidap need to retype. Thus the work can be done more efficiently in terms of saving cost and time, can be more effective for the purpose of employment can be achieved more quickly than ever before.

2.  Field of  Culture
Society in her life definitely changes. Changes that occur not only towards progress, but may also moving towards deterioration. Changes that can occur in various aspects of life, such as equipment and supplies life, livelihood, social system, language, arts, knowledge systems, as well as religious / belief.

The impact of the development of this technology is the easy dissemination of information from here we can learn matters positive things from the cultures of other nations, for example only custom rubber time that people often do Indonesia, with the development of communication technology is so rapid we can learn from developed countries on how they implement a high work ethic and discipline that can later be perdampak advance our nation themselves.

Nowadays more and more women hold leadership positions, the previous leader was a man's job. More and more women are entering the field of politics, as MPs, senators, governors, ministers, and various other important positions. In addition, the pressure, the keen competition in various aspects of life, will give birth to a generation that disciplined, diligent and hardworking

Nonetheless technological advances will have negative effect on the cultural aspects, such as moral decadence among citizens, especially among teenagers and students. Delinquency and deviant acts among teenagers is increasing the weakening of the authority of the traditions that exist in society, such as mutual help and mutual help. The result can be seen together, delinquency and deviant acts among teenagers and students is increasing in various forms, such as fights, traffic violation to a crime.
3.  Field of  Social
Famous Indonesian society with potential for mutual help and cooperation in all respects royongnya  Used socialization can only happen if we go out, stay in touch, greet neighbors or chatting. But in modern times, just by sitting dialam home with the internet, we can even socialize with people who are very far away. This has led to care less attitude created by not socializing directly. This would be particularly damaging because it creates a person in a manner that does not care about anyone other than himself.

Besides the technological advances also lead to pragmatism. Pragmatism is the attitude of the judge something of the pros and cons for themselves. Yet to help selflessly is a basic lesson in society. But the advance of time, causing erosion of the values ​​of mutual cooperation and mutual assistance in matters of goodness. Individuals are more directed to activities that benefit him alone.

4.  Field of  Agriculture
Application of Technology
The use of agricultural technology is a development of agricultural technologies that existed before. Formerly farmer plowing a field using the power of cow and buffalo. Currently the power cows and buffaloes have been replaced by tractors. The use of tractors more quickly complete the work, but also the negative impact that air pollution.

The first farmers to use fertilizers derived from nature such as leaves and manure, manure now been replaced by chemical fertilizers. Results agriculture using chemical fertilizers is more than the use of manure. The use of chemical fertilizers was also to lead to pollution of the soil.

In the provision of agricultural land have also been changes, first the farmers clear land by clearing forests and after the harvest they will abandon the field and open up new land. At this time with the technology and also the limited land available agricultural farmers land use intensification. Intensification of agriculture is the processing of existing agricultural lands as well as possible to increase agricultural output by using various means. 

5.  Sector  Industry
In the field of industrial change that occurs is a change from traditional industries to modern industries. In traditional industries usually need at a lot of human labor. The technology used is also very simple masaih. With only rely on human labor and simple technology of course the goods produced is also less and requires a longer time.

With the advancement of technology industry is changing from traditional 'industries to the modern industry. Manpower is replaced by mechanical power. The tools used are also versatile use of the machine. With the help of mein-engine industry produced goods mlebih too much and in a shorter time. But modern industry also has a negative impact on the environment, one of which is environmental pollution and destruction of natural resources.

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