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Rabu, 24 Agustus 2016

Perubahan Sosial Masyaraka

Society changed from time to time either fast or slow. In life, every society must have experienced changes. No group of people who does not change. Such changes can occur in many areas of life, for example in the areas of political, economic, social and cultural changes related to. Changes in the social sector in a society often known as social change.

Social changes that occur in people's lives is influenced by many factors and also the changes may be headed toward the positive or toward the negative. In this case, means that changes can be made better, but also vice versa. Surely social change is influenced by various factors and have various impacts on people's lives. And the experts have different opinions about social change. Therefore, through this paper, we want to know bagamaina opinion of experts on social change and an example of the changes that occur in a community environment.

If we do a flashback ten or fifteen years ago compared with what is happening at the moment, it will be many changes that have occurred, whether planned or not, small or large, and sooner or later. It is clear that all has changed. Nothing is static. 

A few years ago, people are not familiar, cell phone (HP), they still use the house phone that can not be taken anywhere. But now many who already own a mobile phone, or at least know the communication tools. The use of such a device has an influence on the way we communicate with others. We no longer need to go to a shop phone to communicate with other people distant places. The mobile phone we can communicate while walking, sleeping, shopping, if we consider one by one then there will be many changes that occur between our society, the changes that occur in society are called social change.

Social Change Happens in Society
The community is also always changing from time to time. Nowadays a lot of behaviors that demonstrate social changes that occur in a community environment. In the environment we live ensued various kinds of social changes, such as:

1. Changes in Population 
Some twenty years ago julah resident of my village is not as much as it is today. Antiquity, a married couple has a child that is more than two, for example, five, or six or more. With the program to Family Planning (FP), now a married couple has only two children. Besides influenced by changes in the number of births in the population also caused by the death and displacement of population. Many people who move to the city looking for work but also reverse many of the town residents who moved to the village.

2. Population Quality Changes 
Society in a few dozen years ago only educated up to primary school or high school, but now people have much education to university. Moreover, there is now a Fair 9 years (compulsory 9 years), which requires citizens of at least graduated from high school (SMP). For those who could not go to junior high school education can also seeked Package B equivalent to junior high. Thus knowledge is increasing, it is as a result of positive change. 

In addition to a positive impact on the quality of the population, social change also had a negative impact in the form of moral decline which is owned by the community. This moral degradation often occurs in young children, it can be seen in less polite behavior in society. For example, when the road / pass in front of citizens without a greeting, an irreverent talk to others. In addition, many people who do not obey the rules of the society. For example about traffic rules.

3. Change Governance System
Changes in the system of government that occurred in the country, also has implications for the administration of a village. Some twenty years ago under the reign of the New Order regime with all its shortcomings and advantages. Since 1998 we changed the era into the era of reform that is still going on today. 

With the changing era of change as well in decision-making, for example in the selection of Presdien and vice president is currently using the system immediately. People can choose the president and vice president without representation in Parliament. The regional head also directly elected by the General Election.

4. Change of Livelihood
Technological developments affecting the change in the people's livelihood. Formerly, the livelihood of the population in communities mostly as farmers, but with the passage of time and the development of the knowledge they have, many who become civil servants, employees of a company, and also there who wander away to work elsewhere.

Farming activities began to be abandoned by society, many who wander away to the big city and work in the industrial sector as happened in Bali. Most types of people's livelihood is farming rice fields of Bali. But the principal livelihoods are starting to shift in the types of non-agricultural livelihood. This shift occurred because of that at the present time with the development of the tourism industry in Bali, some people consider farming is no longer sebagaisektor main livelihood. So most people sell their land to the tourism industry that felt bigger and more quickly enjoyed. Agrarian culture in Bali is still there but only in rural areas, and even then some have been influenced by technology.

5. Changes in Lifestyle
Along with the changing times, people's lifestyle is changing. Currently consumptive lifestyles already spread to the rural environment. Citizens have a high desire to shop. Examples of public consumer behavior can be seen for example in the style of dress. Every day there are always new clothes models are offered either in the shop or in the marketplace. Citizens who feel capable of certainly do not want to miss. In addition, the presence of social change, society has the view that foreign products are better than products from within the country.

6. Changes due to existence of Technology
Antiquity farmers still use animal power assistance in working / plowing their fields and also assisted by neighbors in planting rice and other crops. But this time, with the development of technology, farmers have been using tractors in plowing fields and has also been using threshing machine to process the crops. 

In the field of carpentry also changing, the use of woodworking tools that use electric power source has been found in many villages. There is now very rare carpenter using traditional woodworking tools such as in antiquity. The development of technology has changed the way to make household furniture and meubelair.

In addition to the technology in the field of agriculture, technology related to the communication is growing rapidly. In the past, if you want to communicate over long distances requires a long time. However, communication devices are now sophisticated. For example through mobile phones that are currently not a single person has only one means of communication. In fact, now teenage son that even though children still have to know what it was facebook, email, twitter, and so forth.

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